It was on Friday 22nd Ocotber 1971 that one of the largest fires in the North-West occurred at the Texas Mill in Ashton-under-Lyne. During the incident, Fireman Norman Nolan from Blackley Fire Station was fatally injured when a wall of the mill collapsed unexpectedly.
52 years later, on Sunday 22nd Ocotber 2023 I was invited to attend the Red Plaque Ceremony for Mr. Nolan at Ashton-under-Lyne Fire Station, and was able to meet his widow, Penny, and son and daughter John & Justine along with other family members and also a number of retired firefighters, many of whom attended the incident at Texas Mill. It was an emotional occasion but carried out to the highest standard. Below are a few photographs fo the event.

John Nolan standing proudly next to his father's plaque.

The Standard was lowered prior to a one minute silence.

Mr. Nolan's immediate family.

The wider family of Mr. Nolan.

Members of Green Watch from Ashton. Unfortunately the TRU crew were turned out to an incident just as proceedings were about to begin.