I was asked to attend this incident at 0435. The first two pictures were taken whilst on route to the incident. As I left home, I was slightly puzzled that on what was a very clear morning, there was a large black cloud to the rear of my house. It soon became evident that this was not cloud but smoke from the incident I had been mobilised to. I live about 20 minutes drive away from the scene, which gives an indicaton of the severity of the fire. The first picture was taken at 0453 from Borsdane Avenue, Hindley, before I reached the fire station where an appliance from Stretford was just backing in. The second picture, was taken at 0500, by which time I was just over 5 minutes away from the incident. The remaining pictures, shown in chronological order, were taken between 0510 and 0540 as I was waiting for my colleague to bring SACU 'A' from Whitefield.
The final pictures were taken from our R.V. point at
about 0915 as we were stood down.