Renault E413WVR was use as a GPL/DTV
[Copyright picture ~ A. Allison and reproduced with permission.]

Both pictures of GMCs F368/9KTU were taken 23 March 2004.

Land Rover DMB903X was also seen 23 March 2004.

Mercedes K620KMB concluded the collection of vehicles seen 23 March 2004.

Mercedes K620KMB was seen again, but devoid of any lettering other than FIRE, 28 February 2008.

Carrying lettering for Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service K628KMB looked very smart when seen 28 February 2008.

Finally on this occasion, Mercedes K630KMB also seen 28 Feburary 2008.
Shortly after this picture was taken, this appliance was converted to carry the steam fire engine ~ see below.

K630KMB has replaced Dennis RS SDM556V as the low-loader.  It was seen at Winsford 7 August 2008.
[Copyright picture ~ B. Green and reproduced with permission]